Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Weekend

The summer is here and all the movies are in the air. I'm really  excited this up coming summer because there are so many great films to see. the first movie that came out i wanted to see was the fourth installment of the Terminator series. The film had alot of action & great special effects. But the overall story was just terrible.  But hopefully Trasnformers 2 turns out to be as good as the first. I also wanna see Public Enmeys starrings Johnny Depp looks to be a real good film. Also the G.I. Joe film looks to be interesting.  So hopefully they all turn out to be to be as good as they look. 

Th Great Western Movie

Stage Coach turned out to be an okay movie I expected more from it. But overall it was well put together for a movie from 1939. The western  I compared to Stage Coach was Tombstone, starring Kurt Russell made in 1995.  One similarity they had was the shot out factors and standoffs. Every cowboy gets into a shootout. They also were both great western movies. Overall they had alot a differences.  One example of a differece is the technology used to make the films because of the time difference. Stage Coach was shot in Black & White while tombstone was able be shot in color with more clarity to the picture. But if you love westerns  I would definitly recommend them both. 

Silent Movie Post

As a class we watched the silent film intitled  "Police" starring Charlie Chapman. The film just amazed me on how good it actually turned out to be.  I thought it would be pretty boring being that it was a silent movie from 1920, and it's now 2009.  Charlie Chapman gave a tremendous performance. He kept my attention the entire film. I also liked how you can understand what's going on without words, everything was explained thru the actions and movements of the actors.  Charlie Chapman was a great performer and i look forward to seeing his life film starring Robert Downy Jr.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

First Movies Blog

I have always been a fan of movies every since i saw my first. I love the going to the movie theater. My girlfriend and I go all the time it's just a great joy seeing a vision brought to screen.
One particular point in my life i can remember as a movie experience was when I saw Jurassic Park. The special effects that were in the film were phenomenal. I was just amazed out how real they mad the dinosaurs seem. It was just so groud breaking at the time. To me that movie had everything action, suspence, and drama. The film was put together really well. Thats why I believe Steven Spielberg is the greatest director of all time everything he does is just a masterpiece. I love all of his work.
Another film i loved at the time had to be Terminater 2 "Judgement Day". I thought to myself wow what a movie. The special effects used in this film was also groundbreaking. The directer James Cameron did a great job bringing this to screen. I think when the new terminater in the film was shot with a shot gun and jus heeled like it was nothing just blew me away. I cant wait to see the new Terminater film to see what they do this time to blow me away.